Cortisone Injection

This is a technique where the radiologist injects an anti-inflammatory product into or around the joint. The radiologist positions the needle under X-ray or ultrasound guidance.
schéma des os ostéodensitométrie injection de cortisone injection



For joint infiltrations and lumbar facet blocks, you do not need to stop taking blood thinners. 

For foraminal and epidural infiltrations, it is preferable to stop taking anticoagulants with the agreement of your doctor.

For examinations of the musculoskeletal system, you must bring with you the relevant X-rays for your examination. If you do not have X-rays or if they are more than 6 months old, we will take them the day of your exam.



Pregnancy is a contraindication for infiltrations under fluoroscopic (X-ray) control. If you are allergic to iodine you must notify the staff responsible for scheduling appointments. It is still possible to perform the infiltration, without the injection of iodine.

Please notify us if you are in one of these situations.

What to expect

To begin, the technologist will ask you a few questions about your health. The technologist will position you on an x-ray table for fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance and make sure you are comfortable.

Afterwards, the radiologist will explain the procedure. The technologist will disinfect the skin and use local anesthesia on the area as needed. The technologist will then insert a fine needle if necessary, and if there is no context of allergy to iodine, will inject an iodinated substance if necessary to identify the position of the needle.

Then, he will proceed with the cortisone injection. The radiologist will take one or more X-rays or ultrasound images. Once the infiltration is complete, the technologist will clean the area and apply a bandage that can be removed the following day.

Here are the cortisone injection procedures
we offer:

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Our radiologists have specialized training. They are leaders in their field in Quebec and are committed to providing the highest level of expertise to their patients.

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Prise de rendez-vous

Note: Vous devrez avoir en main votre prescription lorsque vous vous présenterez à votre rendez-vous.

Si vous avez plus d’une prescription à nous acheminer, svp nous joindre un seul fichier contenant toutes ces prescriptions.

papiers et radiographies et imagerie médicale


Pour les services de radiologie, d’échographie générale, d’imagerie du sein et d’ostéodensitométrie, veuillez prendre rendez-vous via la centrale téléphonique au : 514 523-2121

Book an appointment

Note: you will need to have your original prescription with you when you come in for your appointment.

If you have more than one prescription to send us, please attach a single file containing all prescriptions.



For radiology, general ultrasonography, breast imaging and bone densitometry services, please book an appointment via our call centre at: 514 523-2121