* The RAMQ only allows one bone densitometry exam per year. You must therefore specify the date of your last examination if it was done in another clinic.
14 days before your appointment: Avoid barium examinations (barium swallow, small bowel transit or barium enema) and any nuclear medicine examination.
24 hours before the exam : Do not take your calcium tablet
Pregnancy is a relative contraindication.
Please be sure to notify us if you are pregnant.
This is a painless examination. You are lying on your back, motionless. Under the supervision of the technologist, the machine moves slowly and sends out low-dose X-rays. The data obtained are analyzed by a computer and the results are interpreted by the radiologist. In addition, X-rays of your back and lumbar spine are taken to rule out any recent fractures.
Our radiologists have specialized training. They are leaders in their field in Quebec and are committed to providing the highest level of expertise to their patients.
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Contact your team of passionate specialists who are committed to helping you improve your health and life balance.
Monday to Friday:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday evening open until 9 p.m. for the service of mammograms only
8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Léger Radiologie Inc. Website: Solutions M
Note: you will need to have your original prescription with you when you come in for your appointment.
If you have more than one prescription to send us, please attach a single file containing all prescriptions.
For radiology, general ultrasonography, breast imaging and bone densitometry services, please book an appointment via our call centre at: 514 523-2121